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Start / Collections / Cover Collections / German Empire 1905 - 1923 /
100 Mark 200 Mark 300 Mark 400 Mark 500 Mark 1 000 Mark 50 000 Mark 75 000 Mark

Collections / Cover Collections /
German Empire 1905 - 1923 / Numerals in Circle / 50 000 Mark

Inland printed matter (1-25 g) from 26.09.1923 (18. Period) franked with one stamp a 50 000 Mark (=50 000 Mark)

Local postcard from 24.09.1923 (18. Period) franked with one stamp a 50 000 Mark
(=50 000 Mark)

Inland postcard from 26.09.1923 (18. Period) franked with 2 stamps a 50 000 Mark
(=100 000 Mark)

Inland cover (1-20 g) from 29.09.1923 (18. Period) franked with 5 stamps a 50 000 Mark (=250 000 Mark)

Local postcard from 03.10.1923 (19. Period) franked with 8 stamps a 50 000 Mark
(=400 000 Mark)

Inland cover (1-20 g) from 12.10.1923 (20. Period) franked with 100 stamps a 50 000 Mark (=5 Million Mark)

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